Monday, March 30, 2009

Back on the trail again

Hiking season has started for me, and it's time I got back on the trail. My absence thereon is a major marker of how far I have strayed from my own true self in the last few years. B and I had the good fortune to arrive at Coe when the mouse ears were at their height up the mountain, and we even saw one way down Manzanita Point Rd, in a grassy meadow. As Henry David T. said, "in wildness is the preservation of the world," and it surely is a saving grace for me. Even the PO was beautiful yesterday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

It's spring break and yesterday we had two important meetings.  Aren't we supposed to be recharging, revising, reviewing, and taking a few relaxed breaths in preparation for the rest of the academic year?  
No meetings during spring break!
I love SB: the campus is empty and so is the library.  There's time to yak a bit with colleagues, to get to the bottom of those piles of paper from the first week of the semester, and to think about what's going right and what needs a tune-up.  

I baked a sockerkaka this everning (Swedish cake) to create a celebratory mood tomorrow and to thank S. for all the wonderful Meyer lemons she has brought in for me.  My mom's recipe doesn't call for lemon flavor, but I started adding it last year and the zing level went up ten notches.  Do you think I should taste a slice tonight, just to make sure it's OK?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What a difference two years make

Been a while since I posted and now we have a new president who believes in science, that torture is evil, and in job creation. Meanwhile, we all have inherited a decade of spending in the wrong arena with neglect of our bridges and levees. What next?